Lay Carmelite communities gather for Day of Recollection
Photo: Directors of the three Colorado Lay Carmelite communities are pictured with Discalced Carmelite sisters from Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic STEM School during a recent day of recollection at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Boulder. Pictured are (left to right) Sister Juanita, O.C.D., Vicky Edmiston (Director, St. John the Baptist), Angelica Carson (Director, Morning Star), Donna Stanley (Director, St. Joseph), and Sister Ines, O.C.D. (Photo courtesy of Bill Uhl)
COLORADO SPRINGS. On Oct. 7, members representing three Colorado Lay Carmelite communities observed a day of recollection at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Boulder.
The day began with the celebration of Mass, at which four members of St. John the Baptist Lay Carmelite Community made their temporary professions (the second of three stages in the six-year formation process of becoming a Lay Carmelite).
The day also featured presentations from two Discalced Carmelite sisters from Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic STEM School in Wheat Ridge. Sister Juanita, O.C.D. discussed the characteristics and ideals of Carmelite spirituality.
Sister Ines, O.C.D. offered spiritual lessons from the biblical stories of Mary, Zacchaeus, the rich young man, and Esther.
For more information about becoming a Lay Carmelite, visit or contact Sue Athey at 719-265-6999 or