Divine Redeemer School to close in May after nearly 70 years of service

By Sheila Whalen

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COLORADO SPRINGS. For almost 70 years, Divine Redeemer Catholic School has been a beacon of faith, hope and charity for its neighborhood, its parish and the greater Colorado Springs community. When the school opened in 1956, the parish was answering the call to minister to the many young families who lived in the Divine Redeemer community. The parish sacrificed to provide a faithfully Catholic and academically challenging education to their children. 

Why are the Best Things So Hard?

By Meg Ambuul

Linda Oppelt 0 125

Editor’s Note: Below is a speech delivered by Our Lady of Walsingham Academy senior Meg Ambuul at the school’s annual gala on Nov. 11 at Creekside Event Center. Ambuul is a senior.

I can say with some authority that attending Our Lady of Walsingham Academy is a lot of work. A few years ago, that would have been a complaint. But now, as I pursue the studies of my senior year, I’m actually grateful. 

‘Angel Investor’ founds much-needed school in northeast Colorado Springs

By Paul Dusseault

Paul Dusseault 0 313

COLORADO SPRINGS. In the origin story of most ministries, inspiration precedes the capital requirements.  Someone heeds the call to initiate a food pantry, or a program for unwed mothers, or a retreat center for teens, and then they go looking for magnanimous donors willing to provide financial support.

A ‘Little Way’ for students with special needs

By Paul Dusseault

Paul Dusseault 0 917

COLORADO SPRINGS. Pia Flynn and her brother, Davey, attend the same Denver Catholic grade school.  They ride in the same carpool, they both name P.E. as the favorite part of their day, and when they pass each other in the hall they share a hug.  Pia has Down syndrome; Davey does not. They attend the same school due in part to the FIRE Foundation, an institution that provides Catholic schools funding for teacher training, specialized instructors, and adaptive technologies pertinent to students with special educational needs.

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: La ‘inversión’ en educación católica

By Bishop James R. Golka

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"Y quien reciba a un niño como éste en mi nombre, a mí me recibe” (Mateo 18, 6)

Al contemplar los rostros sonrientes de todos los graduados de las escuelas católicas que aparecen en este número, espero que se unan a mí en una oración de acción de gracias por los padres de esos graduados.  Esos padres prefirieron el sacrificio a la comodidad; prefirieron el futuro de sus hijos a su propio presente.

THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: The Catholic Education ‘Investment’

By Bishop James R. Golka

Bishop James R. Golka 0 77

"And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” — (Matt 18:6)

As you look at the faces of all the smiling Catholic school graduates pictured in this issue, I hope you will join me in a prayer of thanksgiving for the parents of those graduates.  Those parents chose sacrifice over comfort; they chose their children’s future over their own present.