Ministry accompanies seniors on spiritual journey

by William J. Dagendesh

William Dagendesh 0 102 Article rating: No rating

COLORADO SPRINGS. Praying the Rosary with volunteers is providing local seniors with companionship, spiritual nourishment and a renewed sense of purpose.

The Rosary Team, a nonprofit organization founded in 2019 in the Archdiocese of Denver, is a group of people who pray the rosary in pairs in senior care facilities. Volunteers provide companionship and prayer in the resident’s final years of life.

Ripple Effect: Eucharistic Congress meant to bear fruit in local parishes, communities

By Veronica Ambuul and Linda Oppelt

Veronica Ambuul 0 38 Article rating: No rating

INDIANAPOLIS. If there was a common thread running through the talks given during the National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21, it was that the massive gathering and the events leading up to it were meant to have a lasting impact on parishes and dioceses back home.
