Since the whole Church is by its nature missionary and the work of evangelization must be held as a fundamental duty of the people of God, all the Christian faithful, conscious of their responsibility, are to assume their part in missionary work. (Code of Canon Law, can.781)

The Catholic Diocese of Colorado Springs participates annually in the Missionary Cooperative Program (MCP). Through the MCP, donations directly assist missionaries in their efforts to evangelize, form holy vocations, build congregations, and propagate the faith in various countries around the world.

The Diocesan Propagation of the Faith office selects mission groups from a large pool of mission dioceses and religious orders who live and evangelize all over the world to come and speak to our faithful in order that all of the Christian faithful may be fully acquainted with the present condition of the Church in the world, and may hear the voice of the multitudes who cry “Help us!” (cf. Acts 16:9).

It is our sincere hope that the faithful may feel this mission work to be their very own, and may open their hearts to such vast and profound human needs, and may come to their assistance.

Regarding requests to be included in the Missionary Cooperative Program: requests (by post) on letterhead to participate in the program should be mailed to the missions coordinator:

Esperanza Griffith 
Director of Missions 
228 N. Cascade Ave. 
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Include in your request: 

  • The full name of your organization
  • The name and canonical status (bishop, priest, deacon, religious, lay) of the missionary representative who will be coming
  • Complete contact information for the representative, including address, phone number(s), and email address (required)
  • Page number for listing in the current Official Catholic Directory or authentic letter from your Ordinary or major superior.
  • All requests must be received by October 1st to be considered for the upcoming year. Invitations will be mailed out in January, along with our Missionary Cooperative Policy and speaking assignments (usually at three parishes)