Visit to Ukraine brings both sadness and hope

By Jim Dalrymple

Linda Oppelt 0 612

COLORADO SPRINGS. The recent news from Ukraine would keep most travelers far from eastern Europe, but not Ken Rackers.

Rackers, who is vice present of the board of directors of Catholic Outreach to Northern Ukraine (CONU), visited the wartorn country last October to get a first-hand assessment of the situation and help get the word out regarding the plight of citizens there.

Office of Hispanic Ministry to hold Eucharistic Congress Feb. 25 at St. Mary’s Cathedral

Linda Oppelt 0 695

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs’ Office of Hispanic Ministry is sponsoring a Eucharistic Congress on Feb. 25 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral. 
Speakers will include Father Roylan Recio, Father James Gordon F.S.S.P., and Bishop James Golka. All of the presentations will be in Spanish. 

THE CATHOLIC REVIEW: The Benedict Reader - An Introduction to the Writings of Pope Benedict XVI

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 382

Last month, we had the opportunity to interview Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio, who was a Ph.D. student of then-Professor Joseph Ratzinger in Germany over 50 years ago.

Father Fessio and Pope Benedict XVI had a successful and fruitful partnership in many ways. Of the 66 books that Pope Benedict wrote throughout his life, most of the English versions were published by Father Fessio’s creation, Ignatius Press. If we were to survey all the writings of this prodigious professor/scholar-pastor/theologian, where would we start?



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