THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: Vocations are the Key to the Sacramental Door

By Bishop James R. Golka

Bishop James R. Golka 0 146

He summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal [the sick].” – Luke 9:1-2

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is common for a bishop during liturgies to wear the “miter,” or ceremonial headdress. The miter is a symbol of authority. It is important to note that this authority does not mean, “I am your boss, and you do what I say.” It is a much better authority than that. This is the authority that Jesus gave the apostles and the Church (that is us!) to act in his name.

Lay Carmelite communities gather for Day of Recollection

Linda Oppelt 0 305

COLORADO SPRINGS. On Oct. 7, members representing three Colorado Lay Carmelite communities observed a day of recollection at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Boulder.  
The day began with the celebration of Mass, at which four members of St. John the Baptist Lay Carmelite Community made their temporary professions (the second of three stages in the six-year formation process of becoming a Lay Carmelite).

Strong participation in discernment retreat inspires hope for the future

By Michael Lehnertz

Linda Oppelt 0 209

In March of this year, I approached Father Kyle Ingels, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Colorado Springs and Director of Campus Ministry at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS), and offered my services to help organize a discernment retreat for the single men and boys of the diocese.  Father Ingels was very receptive and, during a series of planning meetings, we decided to hold the retreat on July 22 at the St. John Henry Newman Center located near UCCS.

Seven Sisters Apostolate aims to offer a holy hour for each priest every day

By Patty O'Connell

Linda Oppelt 0 714

Could you not watch with me one hour?”  This plea of the Eternal High Priest, our Lord Jesus Christ, to his beloved disciples (Mt. 26:40) is also my plea to my beloved sisters in Christ throughout the diocese of Colorado Springs. I invite women to participate in an apostolate that not only strengthens the Church but abundantly blesses those who pray.



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