THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: The Catholic Education ‘Investment’

By Bishop James R. Golka

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"And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” — (Matt 18:6)

As you look at the faces of all the smiling Catholic school graduates pictured in this issue, I hope you will join me in a prayer of thanksgiving for the parents of those graduates.  Those parents chose sacrifice over comfort; they chose their children’s future over their own present.

Abortion-inducing drugs: wrong for women and pharmacists

By Dr. John O'Keeffe

Linda Oppelt 0 87

A new rule is expected this month from the Supreme Court of the case of U.S. Food and Drug Administration vs. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. The case concerns the safety of Mifepristone and Misoprostol for medical abortion. Mifipristone is a drug used to block progesterone for a developing fetus ending its life and Misoprostol is used to induce uterine contractions to expel the dead tissue. What is the controversy?

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: Palabra, altar, caridad

By Bishop James R. Golka

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Es preferible, hermanos, que busquen entre ustedes a siete hombres de buena fama, llenos del Espíritu Santo y de sabiduría, y nosotros les encargaremos esta tarea . . .” (Hechos 6, 3)

El 25 de mayo, nuestra diócesis será bendecida con la ordenación de 12 hombres al diaconado permanente.  Estos hombres se unirán a 100 hermanos diáconos que sirven en nuestra diócesis, todos ellos configurados en la forma de Cristo Siervo.  De hecho, la palabra diácono viene de una palabra griega diakonos, que significa “siervo”.  La Iglesia pide a los diáconos que ejerzan su ministerio de servicio principalmente en tres partes:  palabra, altar y caridad.
