THE CATHOLIC REVIEW: Meeting Jesus Again - Insights into the Christ; Helpful Guides for the Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 355

He is risen, indeed! We hope that all our readers had a meaningful Lenten and Easter observance. The liturgical calendar provides an opportunity to experience Lent and Easter with continued spiritual growth in our lives that we treasure.

THE CATHOLIC REVIEW: Diving Deeper Into the Lenten Season - Book recommendations to help adults and children grow in their faith

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 375

February and March are the months when we participate in the discipline of Lent. Fasting, praying, giving alms, confession, adoration — all good activities anytime — find even more purpose when we observe them in Lent. Though we are deep into Lent at this writing, there may be some ways that we can invest even more in our observances, and sometimes a good book can direct our thoughts.

THE CATHOLIC REVIEW: The Benedict Reader - An Introduction to the Writings of Pope Benedict XVI

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 444

Last month, we had the opportunity to interview Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio, who was a Ph.D. student of then-Professor Joseph Ratzinger in Germany over 50 years ago.

Father Fessio and Pope Benedict XVI had a successful and fruitful partnership in many ways. Of the 66 books that Pope Benedict wrote throughout his life, most of the English versions were published by Father Fessio’s creation, Ignatius Press. If we were to survey all the writings of this prodigious professor/scholar-pastor/theologian, where would we start?

THE CATHOLIC REVIEW: Vatican II at 60: A Returning Pilgrim’s Perspective

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 724

During a Mass celebrating the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis observed, “If [the Church] should fail to rejoice, she would deny her very self, for she would forget the love that begot her,” he said. “Yet how many of us are unable to live the faith with joy, without grumbling and criticizing? A Church in love with Jesus has no time for quarrels, gossip and disputes. May God free us from being critical and intolerant, harsh and angry!”

THE CATHOLIC REVIEW: Our Beloved Pets and St. Francis of Assisi

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 639

Jesus used parables to illustrate important spiritual truths to listeners hungering to know about the Kingdom of God. Parables also serve to protect timeless truths from skeptics and nay-sayers. We are delighted to review an extended parable written by John Pearring, who is not a stranger to our diocese.



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