Legatus events provide ‘intermission’ for busy parents

By Andy and Vanessa Barton

Linda Oppelt 0 504

As parents, your life can feel like a staged performance — days and nights spent in front of the same sets over weeks and months:  Act 1:  home. Act 2: office. Act 3: school event. Act 4: sports.  Act 5: Church. Like a play, you perform alongside mostly the same characters:  spouse, children, co-worker, teacher, pastor. It is a wonderful performance, and it is true that it goes by too fast, but like every good play, it is good to have a break in the midst of the action.  Over the past six years, as our three children have grown up, Legatus has been the welcome intermission. 

Pirates play first homecoming game in three years

By Joe Trechter

Linda Oppelt 0 504

COLORADO SPRINGS. On a cool autumn night last month, current and alumni Pirates of St. Mary’s High School celebrated 137 years of tradition with a week of homecoming events, culminating in the school’s first homecoming football game in three years. Warriors dressed in Pirate green are once again moving the pigskin up and down the gridiron.

Finding True Healing in the Eucharist

By Aaron Lambert

Linda Oppelt 0 631

DENVER. No matter which way you cut it, healing is at the center of the Gospel. In the same way as Jesus came “not to be served, but to serve” (Mt 20:28), he also came not to be healed, but to heal. Just look at the many miracles he performed; virtually all of them involved a person who so desired to be healed, and Christ alone was the only one who could satiate that desire.

One of the most remarkable things about these healings is that faith was all that was required of the one who was healed. It was not warranted on their own accord, nor did they earn it; in the end, it is Jesus Christ alone who truly heals. All we need to do is believe that he can.

Permanent Diaconate Office now accepting applications for formation program

Linda Oppelt 0 898

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs’ Office of the Permanent Diaconate invites men who are interested in being considered as deacon candidates to submit applications. To begin the application process, please send an email to Deacon Cliff Donnelly, Director of Deacon Formation, at cdonnelly@diocs.org. For more information on the formation program, visit www.diocs.org/Pastoral-Services/Office-of-Permanent-Diaconate

New Paradigm - Give thanks for Dobbs ruling but keep working for culture of life, speakers say

By Veronica Ambuul

Linda Oppelt 0 857

COLORADO SPRINGS. At the first Bishop’s Respect Life Dinner to take place following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last June, local pro-life leaders explained how the ruling is impacting Colorado and challenged local Catholics to change the way they think and speak about abortion.



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