EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: Jesucristo es el camino a la salvación

By Bishop James R. Golka

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En un discurso reciente en una reunión interreligiosa con jóvenes en Singapur, se citó al Papa Francisco diciendo: “Todas las religiones son caminos hacia Dios”. Este comentario ha causado bastante confusión y preocupación con respecto a lo que la Iglesia enseña sobre Jesucristo, la Iglesia y el camino a la salvación. 

THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: Jesus Christ is the Path to Salvation

By Bishop James R. Golka

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In a recent address at an interreligious meeting with young people in Singapore, Pope Francis was quoted as saying, “All religions are paths to God.”  This remark has caused quite a bit of confusion and concern regarding what the Church teaches about Jesus Christ, the Church, and the path to salvation.

2024 Rosary Rally and Mass with Bishop James Golka

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The annual diocesan Rosary Rally will take place on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at St. Peter Parish, 155 Jefferson St., Monument, 80132.
The theme of this year’s rally will be “Mother Mary and the Eucharistic Revival.” Father Nathan Cromly will be the keynote speaker. Bishop Golka will celebrate Mass after the recitation of the Rosary. The rally is sponsored by the Diocese of Colorado Springs and the St. Thomas Aquinas Society.

White Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral 12:10 p.m. on Oct. 18

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COLORADO SPRINGS. On the Feast of St. Luke, patron saint for medical professionals and caregivers, a White Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 12:10 p.m. The purpose of the Mass is to honor and pray with and for all those who serve in the medical professions under the patronage of St. Luke. All are invited and encouraged to bring a friend.

‘Angel Investor’ founds much-needed school in northeast Colorado Springs

By Paul Dusseault

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COLORADO SPRINGS. In the origin story of most ministries, inspiration precedes the capital requirements.  Someone heeds the call to initiate a food pantry, or a program for unwed mothers, or a retreat center for teens, and then they go looking for magnanimous donors willing to provide financial support.
