Sister Catherine Peter Logan makes first profession of vows as Franciscan sister

By Sister Theresa Feldkamp

Linda Oppelt 0 220 Article rating: No rating

MANITOWOC, Wisconsin. Sister Catherine Peter Logan made her first profession of vows in the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on June 2. Father Mark Vander Steeg, Vicar for Clergy and Pastoral Leaders for the Diocese of Green Bay, presided at the Mass.

Telling the Good Tidings: Personal Reflections on the Priesthood

By Father Lawrence C. Brennan

Linda Oppelt 0 260 Article rating: No rating

I was ordained a priest on Dec. 18, 1976.  It was the most precious Christmas gift I have ever received. For me, it culminated 13½ years of priestly formation: that is, personal and spiritual growth, academic study, and field education. I was blessed to have good teachers and mentors. I am still friends today with many of the men who were in the seminary with me, both ordained and lay. Some of them have been sixty years a friend.

Come With Joy Into the Presence of the Lord

By Linda Oppelt

Linda Oppelt 0 307 Article rating: 5.0

Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is present, though hidden, in every tabernacle in every Catholic church. Within the Diocese of Colorado Springs, the visible Eucharistic Presence of Jesus in a monstrance is available in many locations, days and times for adoration and prayer. What follows is an overview of opportunities for this increasingly popular and highly recommended devotion. Availability differs from parish to parish, ranging from perpetual (24/7) to one or two hours per week or month.  

A ‘Little Way’ for students with special needs

By Paul Dusseault

Paul Dusseault 0 799 Article rating: 5.0

COLORADO SPRINGS. Pia Flynn and her brother, Davey, attend the same Denver Catholic grade school.  They ride in the same carpool, they both name P.E. as the favorite part of their day, and when they pass each other in the hall they share a hug.  Pia has Down syndrome; Davey does not. They attend the same school due in part to the FIRE Foundation, an institution that provides Catholic schools funding for teacher training, specialized instructors, and adaptive technologies pertinent to students with special educational needs.

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: La ‘inversión’ en educación católica

By Bishop James R. Golka

Bishop James R. Golka 0 71 Article rating: No rating

"Y quien reciba a un niño como éste en mi nombre, a mí me recibe” (Mateo 18, 6)

Al contemplar los rostros sonrientes de todos los graduados de las escuelas católicas que aparecen en este número, espero que se unan a mí en una oración de acción de gracias por los padres de esos graduados.  Esos padres prefirieron el sacrificio a la comodidad; prefirieron el futuro de sus hijos a su propio presente.
